Goods Transport Services in Okhla

Goods Transport Services in Okhla

Logistics and transportation are two very important parts of transportation and distribution services, and they are different. Transportation is the movement of goods and logistics is the management of the inward and outward transportation of goods from the manufacturer to the end user. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they are two extremely different part of the supply chain. Logistics and transportation deals with getting products and services from one location to another. Although logistics and transportation are used interchangeability, the differences are simply logistics deals with the integration of storage, transportation, cataloging, handling, and packaging of goods. Transportation deals with the function of moving products from one location to another. Logistics is obtaining, producing, and distributing materials and products in the right qualities and to an end user. 

For more details please contact us at 01140810655.

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contact us

Fortio Logisolutions Pvt. Ltd.
203, Gedore House,
51-52 Nehru Place,
New Delhi - 110019, India
+ 91 11 40810655,
Shiv Bhatt : 9717900605
Prakash Rawat : 9871010818
Ranu Pandey : 9810633228

We have our head office at
New Delhi and offices in
Mumbai, Pune, Indore, Ludhiana,
Jaipur, Chennai & Bangalore.

We can extend our services for your Inbound & outbound shipments on All India basis.