Goods Transport Services in Delhi

Goods Transport Services in Delhi

Transportation and Logistics is an important aspect of any economy and vital components of businesses. It is this part or activity which is responsible for the movement and/or flow of goods from the place of manufacture to the end consumers. Approx. 14% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is spent on the transport and logistics sector in India in comparison to 8 to 10% in other developed countries. Indian Logistics and Transportation sector comprises Rail, Road, Water, and Air Transport. The high cost of logistics in India has come into sharp focus as one of the key factors affecting the country’s cost competency. Inefficient logistics account for about 2% of the country’s GDP and road transport accounts for nearly 65% of total freight movement in the country. Improving the road infrastructure will have a direct bearing on the country’s cost competency and economic growth.  Fortio Logisolutions Pvt. Ltd. transports all types of packages up to many tons in weight. Packages can be collected from specified locations and delivered to specified locations. Among other things, parts-load courier services can package fruits, groceries, clothing, and stationery. We provide courier services to all major cities.

For more details please contact us at 01140810655.

  • Goods Transport Services in Delhi NCR,
  • Goods Transport Services in South Delhi,
  • Goods Transport Services in Govind puri,
  • Goods Transport Services in Defence Colony

contact us

Fortio Logisolutions Pvt. Ltd.
203, Gedore House,
51-52 Nehru Place,
New Delhi - 110019, India
+ 91 11 40810655,
Shiv Bhatt : 9717900605
Prakash Rawat : 9871010818
Ranu Pandey : 9810633228

We have our head office at
New Delhi and offices in
Mumbai, Pune, Indore, Ludhiana,
Jaipur, Chennai & Bangalore.

We can extend our services for your Inbound & outbound shipments on All India basis.